For students who might be interested in doing a spring, summer or fallsemester in Beijing or Shanghai:International Arts and Artists, located in Dupont Circle and foundedin 1995, and the China Studies Institute, founded in 1998, arearranging for American students to complete internships and classes inChina. IA&A is offering in conjunction with the China StudiesInstitute the China Internships Program, a combination of aninternship and two classes in Beijing Shanghai.Program alum Sumita Ghosh will be offering a question and answersession at IA&A's Hillyer Art Space Day: Monday, October 20, 2008Time: 11:30AM until 12:45pmAdmittance: FreeWho: Students interested in studying or interning in Shanghai or Beijing in 2009Where: 9 HIllyer Court NW, near intersection of Mass. Ave NW and Florida Ave NW
BODY, TABLE, A, TH, TD{ font-family: PrimaSans BT,Verdana,sans-serif; font-size:x-small }
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New class
Dear Students,
Having examined the diverse needs of our students, we have redesigned the second semester of First Year Chinese (Spring 2009) in order to ensure a teaching and learning environment that will address each student's specific needs in a fair and equitable manner. If your ability in speaking and listening is ahead of your reading and writing; for example, if you have studied or lived in China, or if you took more than a year of Chinese in high school, or if you are a heritage learner and speak Chinese at home but can write only a small number of characters, you should consider the following option:
Register for the lecture section CHIN 002 sec.10 (CRN: 40139) for accelerated reading and writing, and one of the following drill sections, CHIN002.30 or CHIN 002.36. We will use the same textbook but place greater emphasis on reading and writing.
Please feel free to contact Chang laoshi ( to discuss any concerns.
Lecture class
CHIN 002.10 (CRN: 40139) TR 9:35-10:50am in Gelman B01A
Drill class
CHIN002.30 (CRN: 43020) MW 9:35-10:25am in Gelman B01A
CHIN002.36 (CRN: 47274)MW 11:10-12pm in Bell 105
Having examined the diverse needs of our students, we have redesigned the second semester of First Year Chinese (Spring 2009) in order to ensure a teaching and learning environment that will address each student's specific needs in a fair and equitable manner. If your ability in speaking and listening is ahead of your reading and writing; for example, if you have studied or lived in China, or if you took more than a year of Chinese in high school, or if you are a heritage learner and speak Chinese at home but can write only a small number of characters, you should consider the following option:
Register for the lecture section CHIN 002 sec.10 (CRN: 40139) for accelerated reading and writing, and one of the following drill sections, CHIN002.30 or CHIN 002.36. We will use the same textbook but place greater emphasis on reading and writing.
Please feel free to contact Chang laoshi ( to discuss any concerns.
Lecture class
CHIN 002.10 (CRN: 40139) TR 9:35-10:50am in Gelman B01A
Drill class
CHIN002.30 (CRN: 43020) MW 9:35-10:25am in Gelman B01A
CHIN002.36 (CRN: 47274)MW 11:10-12pm in Bell 105
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Language Tea Times at The Sigur Center
The Sigur Center Presents:
Language Tea Times!
October 2
October 23
November 13
When: 12:30 – 2:00 PM on Thursdays
Where: The Sigur Center for Asian Studies, 1957 E St, NW
Suite 503, the Chung-wen Shih Conference Room
These events are open to anyone who is interested in Japan, Korea, or China and/or wants to practice their language skills. Bring your lunch and practice your language skills with others, drink tea, learn about the culture, and talk about anything you want! Meet others who study these languages as well as native speakers! Light refreshments will be provided (including tea, of course!).
Please RSVP to with your language and level.
Language Tea Times!
October 2
October 23
November 13
When: 12:30 – 2:00 PM on Thursdays
Where: The Sigur Center for Asian Studies, 1957 E St, NW
Suite 503, the Chung-wen Shih Conference Room
These events are open to anyone who is interested in Japan, Korea, or China and/or wants to practice their language skills. Bring your lunch and practice your language skills with others, drink tea, learn about the culture, and talk about anything you want! Meet others who study these languages as well as native speakers! Light refreshments will be provided (including tea, of course!).
Please RSVP to with your language and level.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Chinese Tutor at Language Center Available Now
Now you may have more assistance to enhance Chinese learning on campus! Chinese Tutor at Language Center is available now!
It is effective starting Monday, September 15th. They have a very large student staff this semester. This means lots of opportunities for you to come in for tutoring. Come visit the tutors who are nice and friendly. It's free and they can come any time a tutor is on the schedule. NO APPOINTMENTS ARE NEEDED.
Find the schedule here:
fall 2008 student schedule1.pdf
It is effective starting Monday, September 15th. They have a very large student staff this semester. This means lots of opportunities for you to come in for tutoring. Come visit the tutors who are nice and friendly. It's free and they can come any time a tutor is on the schedule. NO APPOINTMENTS ARE NEEDED.
Find the schedule here:
fall 2008 student schedule1.pdf
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Coffee Hour Available Now
Tuesday (9/16) is the first Mt. Vernon Coffee Hour of this semester. Representatives for each language (for Chinese, Geng1Yun2 Wei4 Laoshi; 魏耕耘老师) will be there for conversation practice with students. Eckles Library2-3pm (Hebrew 2:30-3:30) Refreshments will be served.
There will be also coffee hour at 2:00-3:00 p.m. on 10/14, 11/11, and 12/9.
Take this chance to have more practice in Chinese! See you there!
There will be also coffee hour at 2:00-3:00 p.m. on 10/14, 11/11, and 12/9.
Take this chance to have more practice in Chinese! See you there!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Chin004 Spring 2008 Summer extra credit work
中文004 2008春季班
1. Read the text first. (David and Helen in China; DHC)
2. Write down your answers to the following questions using complete sentences, in handwriting, DOUBLE-SPACED. Handwriting helps you memorize much better than typing.
3. Bring this assignment to the the first class meeting of CHIN 105, Tuesday, September 2 or Wednesday September 3, depending on the section schedule.
4. Your instructor will give you bonus points depending on how well your assignment is done. The maximum extra credit will be two points, to be added to your final grade in CHIN105.
5. It is highly recommended that you self-study the remaining parts of the textbook, Lessons 16, 17, and 18, that we did not cover during the semester.
6. Please see the Chinese blog on the East Asian Languages and Literatures Department website for more online resources for Chinese language study.
7. The decision whether to award extra credit is subject to the instructor of CHIN105.
Feel free to ask if you have questions.
Have a nice and fruitful summer! Don’t forget your best friend-- Chinese!
暑假快乐! 多学、多复习,让你流利的中文能力保持下去!
1. 海琳想找房子的原因是什么?
2. 海琳是怎样找房子的?
3. 海琳觉得第一家怎么样?她为什么不要?
4. 第二家跟第一家有什么不同?为什么她喜欢第二家?
5. 请你介绍一下第二家公寓的每个条件,比方说:房东、环境、公寓里的情况等等。
6. 房东对她有什么要求?
7. 海琳最后的决定是什么?你想她会不会租?
8. 如果你找房子,你的要求是什么?
9. 要是你是房东找房客,你有什么要求?
1. 中秋节是一个什么样的节日?在什么时候?
2. 中秋晚会是谁主办(host)的?为什么要邀请其他学生参加?
3. 晚会上大为最高兴的是什么事?为什么说“他开始喜欢这里的生活了”?
1. 这家公司是做什么的?他们为什么要找一个中英文都流利的人?
2. 海琳的什么方面强,什么方面不强?她是怎么向经理说自己的能力的?
3. 既然海琳的中文能力并不够强,而且又没有经验,那经理为什么还同意雇她?
4. 海琳为什么愿意接受一个低一点儿的职务?你认为她这个决定做得对不对?
1. 中国的新年是怎么算的?为什么叫做春节?
2. 春节期间有些什么风俗习惯?这些风俗习惯是怎么来的?
3. 春节期间人们常吃什么东西?
4. 大为和海琳春节的时候有什么安排?
1. 为什么大为要问刘东中国人社交方面的规矩?
2. 刘东认为什么方面大为应该注意?
3. “哪里哪里”是什么意思?什么时候可以说?
4. 为什么大为觉得去做客应该带点东西去?
5. 为什么刘东叫大为不要去晚了?
6. “怠慢了”是什么意思?什么时候说这样的话?
1. 赵先生觉得海琳怎么样?他愿意不愿意海琳做他的儿媳妇?
2. 赵太太喜欢海琳吗?她有些什么想法?他愿意海琳做儿媳妇吗?
3. 海琳的伯母有什么想法?
4. 德生原来想象中的海琳是什么样的人?他现在的看法呢?
5. 海琳喜欢德生吗?德生跟她原来想象的有什么不同?
6. 如果你是德生,你会怎么想?如果你是海琳,你应该爱德生还是爱大为?
1. 为什么大为对龙的印象最深?
2. 为什么王老师说龙的问题很复杂?
3. 为什么有人说龙跟闪电有关?为什么有人说龙跟动物有关?
4. 龙的形象有什么特点?这些特点是怎么来的?
5. 中国的皇帝为什么要把自己称做龙?
6. “望子成龙”是什么意思?
1. 为什么大为每天要到布告栏去看几分钟?
2. 布告栏上贴着些什么?
3. “舞会通知”上说有什么舞会?什么时候举行?在哪里举行?
4. 写“征友启事”的是男性还是女性?有些什么要求?
5. 计算机班是为什么人开的?什么时候开始上课?
6. 家教启事上说为什么样的人补习或辅导?补习或辅导些什么?
1. Read the text first. (David and Helen in China; DHC)
2. Write down your answers to the following questions using complete sentences, in handwriting, DOUBLE-SPACED. Handwriting helps you memorize much better than typing.
3. Bring this assignment to the the first class meeting of CHIN 105, Tuesday, September 2 or Wednesday September 3, depending on the section schedule.
4. Your instructor will give you bonus points depending on how well your assignment is done. The maximum extra credit will be two points, to be added to your final grade in CHIN105.
5. It is highly recommended that you self-study the remaining parts of the textbook, Lessons 16, 17, and 18, that we did not cover during the semester.
6. Please see the Chinese blog on the East Asian Languages and Literatures Department website for more online resources for Chinese language study.
7. The decision whether to award extra credit is subject to the instructor of CHIN105.
Feel free to ask if you have questions.
Have a nice and fruitful summer! Don’t forget your best friend-- Chinese!
暑假快乐! 多学、多复习,让你流利的中文能力保持下去!
1. 海琳想找房子的原因是什么?
2. 海琳是怎样找房子的?
3. 海琳觉得第一家怎么样?她为什么不要?
4. 第二家跟第一家有什么不同?为什么她喜欢第二家?
5. 请你介绍一下第二家公寓的每个条件,比方说:房东、环境、公寓里的情况等等。
6. 房东对她有什么要求?
7. 海琳最后的决定是什么?你想她会不会租?
8. 如果你找房子,你的要求是什么?
9. 要是你是房东找房客,你有什么要求?
1. 中秋节是一个什么样的节日?在什么时候?
2. 中秋晚会是谁主办(host)的?为什么要邀请其他学生参加?
3. 晚会上大为最高兴的是什么事?为什么说“他开始喜欢这里的生活了”?
1. 这家公司是做什么的?他们为什么要找一个中英文都流利的人?
2. 海琳的什么方面强,什么方面不强?她是怎么向经理说自己的能力的?
3. 既然海琳的中文能力并不够强,而且又没有经验,那经理为什么还同意雇她?
4. 海琳为什么愿意接受一个低一点儿的职务?你认为她这个决定做得对不对?
1. 中国的新年是怎么算的?为什么叫做春节?
2. 春节期间有些什么风俗习惯?这些风俗习惯是怎么来的?
3. 春节期间人们常吃什么东西?
4. 大为和海琳春节的时候有什么安排?
1. 为什么大为要问刘东中国人社交方面的规矩?
2. 刘东认为什么方面大为应该注意?
3. “哪里哪里”是什么意思?什么时候可以说?
4. 为什么大为觉得去做客应该带点东西去?
5. 为什么刘东叫大为不要去晚了?
6. “怠慢了”是什么意思?什么时候说这样的话?
1. 赵先生觉得海琳怎么样?他愿意不愿意海琳做他的儿媳妇?
2. 赵太太喜欢海琳吗?她有些什么想法?他愿意海琳做儿媳妇吗?
3. 海琳的伯母有什么想法?
4. 德生原来想象中的海琳是什么样的人?他现在的看法呢?
5. 海琳喜欢德生吗?德生跟她原来想象的有什么不同?
6. 如果你是德生,你会怎么想?如果你是海琳,你应该爱德生还是爱大为?
1. 为什么大为对龙的印象最深?
2. 为什么王老师说龙的问题很复杂?
3. 为什么有人说龙跟闪电有关?为什么有人说龙跟动物有关?
4. 龙的形象有什么特点?这些特点是怎么来的?
5. 中国的皇帝为什么要把自己称做龙?
6. “望子成龙”是什么意思?
1. 为什么大为每天要到布告栏去看几分钟?
2. 布告栏上贴着些什么?
3. “舞会通知”上说有什么舞会?什么时候举行?在哪里举行?
4. 写“征友启事”的是男性还是女性?有些什么要求?
5. 计算机班是为什么人开的?什么时候开始上课?
6. 家教启事上说为什么样的人补习或辅导?补习或辅导些什么?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Grants Available from Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research
Contact: Anne Ciechanowski
Coordinating Advisor
Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research
714 21st Street NW
Fulbright Teaching Assistantships – contact our office soon if you are interested!
Fulbright Research Grants – contact our office soon if you are interested!
Critical Language Scholarships for summer language study abroad
Freeman-Asia Study Abroad Scholarships
Gilman Study Abroad Scholarships
National Security Education Program Boren Undergraduate Scholarships for Study Abroad
National Security Education Program Boren Graduate Fellowships
Princeton in Asia
Rotary Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships for Language Learning
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships for Post-BA Graduate Study
Volunteers in Asia
Fulbright Teaching Assistantships
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers graduating seniors and recent graduates hundreds of 8- to 12-month Teaching Assistantship grants to the following countries: Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Uruguay, Venezuela
GW Deadline: September 5, 2008 – Get in touch with our office soon if you are an interested junior or senior!
Fulbright Research Grants
The U.S. Fulbright program offers graduating seniors and recent graduates over 1000 9- to 12-month research grants to over 140 countries around the world. Applicants may propose library or field research, university course work, independent projects – read the Program Overview to learn more. Ten research grants are available to Korea for the 2009-2010 academic year.
GW Deadline: September 5, 2008 – Get in touch with our office soon if you are an interested junior or senior!
Critical Language Scholarships
Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, the Critical Language Scholarships Program offers intensive overseas study in the critical need foreign languages of Arabic, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish and Urdu. The Program is part of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI), a U.S. government interagency effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. Scholarship recipients receive full funding to participate in beginning, intermediate and advanced level summer language programs at American Overseas Research Centers and affiliated partners. Recipients are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period and later apply their critical language skills in their professional careers.
Deadline: January 2009
Freeman-Asia Study Abroad Scholarships
The primary goal of the Freeman-Asia Program is to increase the number of American undergraduates who study in East and Southeast Asia, by providing students with the information and financial assistance they will need. You must have applied or have been accepted to a country-based study abroad program from among the following countries/regions: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. Awardees are expected to share their experiences with their home campus to encourage study abroad by others and to spread understanding of Asia in their home communities. Awards range from $3000 to $7000, depending on the length of study. Awards total up to $5,000-7,000 per semester/year.
Deadline: October 15, 2008 for study abroad during the Spring 2009 semester
Gilman Scholarship Program for Study Abroad
The Gilman Scholarship Program broadens the student population that studies abroad by supporting undergraduates who have been traditionally underrepresented in US study abroad and those with high financial need. A student must be a Federal Pell Grant recipient at the time of the term abroad to qualify for the award. The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and Australia. The program seeks to assist students from a diverse range and type of two-year and four-year public and private institutions from all 50 states. Additional Critical Language Stipends are available for students studying Critical Needs Languages, such as Korean. Awards are for up to $5,000 with an additional $3,000 Critical Language Stipend possible.
Deadline: October 7, 2008 for study abroad during the Spring 2009 semester
National Language Flagship Fellowship
Through an innovative partnership between the federal government, education, and business, The Language Flagship seeks to graduate students who will take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a superior level of fluency in a language critical to U.S. competitiveness and security. NSEP offers a limited number of full fellowships to qualified American students to participate in one of the Flagship Programs, which are comprised of two year-long domestic and overseas components. Language Flagship Programs are offered for Arabic, Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Korean, Persian/Farsi, and Eurasian Languages (Russian, Central Asian).
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Mid-January 2009
National Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarship for Study Abroad
The NSEP David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships offer a unique opportunity for U.S. undergraduates to study abroad in regions critical to U.S. interests - including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America & the Caribbean, and the Middle East. (The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.) NSEP defines national security broadly, recognizing that its scope has expanded to include not only traditional concerns of protecting and promoting American well-being, but also the challenges of global society, including: sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness. NSEP emphasizes the importance of language study as a major component of your study abroad program. Awards total up to $8,000 per summer and $10,000 per semester of study.
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Mid-January 2009
National Security Education Program David L. Boren Graduate Fellowship
The National Security Education Program's (NSEP) David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships enable U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. NSEP supports students studying languages, cultures, and world regions other than Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Boren Fellowships are intended to support U.S. graduate students who will pursue the study of languages and cultures deemed critical to U.S. national security, and who are highly motivated by the opportunity to work in the federal government. Fellowships enable students representing a broad range of disciplines to add a significant language and international dimension to their curricula. Students already enrolled in internationally oriented programs are encouraged to intensify their study of areas, languages, and cultures through overseas study and domestic tuition support.
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Late January 2009
Princeton in Asia
Princeton in Asia provides approximately 80 seniors or recent graduates with a year-long teaching or workplace fellowship with partner schools and organizations in the following countries: Cambodia, P. R. China, East Timor, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Deadline: Early December 2008
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships
Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships provide funding for one academic year of study in another country for recent graduates. This award is intended to help cover round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board expenses, and some educational supplies up to US$25,000 or its equivalent. Academic-Year Scholarships are the most common type of scholarship offered.
Deadline: Varies by Rotary Club; March-June 2009
Rotary Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships
Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships are for either three or six months of intensive language study and cultural immersion in another country and provide funds to cover round-trip transportation, language training expenses, and homestay living arrangements up to US$12,000 and US$19,000, respectively. Applications are considered for candidates interested in studying Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Swedish.
Deadline: Varies by Rotary Club; March-June 2009
Volunteers in Asia
VIA offers opportunities for approximately 40-50 college graduates to teach in China, Indonesia, Laos, and Vietnam for 1-2 years. Other opportunities include Community Fellowships available for work in Vietnam. Volunteers work either as English teachers at educational institutions or as English resource volunteers with local non-profit organizations. Applicants should be English-fluent college graduates living in the US who are excited about a new set of challenges and a new world of opportunity across the Pacific. Previous in-country experience is not required.
Deadline: Mid-February 2009
Anne Ciechanowski
Coordinating Advisor
Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research
714 21st Street NW
Coordinating Advisor
Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research
714 21st Street NW
Fulbright Teaching Assistantships – contact our office soon if you are interested!
Fulbright Research Grants – contact our office soon if you are interested!
Critical Language Scholarships for summer language study abroad
Freeman-Asia Study Abroad Scholarships
Gilman Study Abroad Scholarships
National Security Education Program Boren Undergraduate Scholarships for Study Abroad
National Security Education Program Boren Graduate Fellowships
Princeton in Asia
Rotary Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships for Language Learning
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships for Post-BA Graduate Study
Volunteers in Asia
Fulbright Teaching Assistantships
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers graduating seniors and recent graduates hundreds of 8- to 12-month Teaching Assistantship grants to the following countries: Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Uruguay, Venezuela
GW Deadline: September 5, 2008 – Get in touch with our office soon if you are an interested junior or senior!
Fulbright Research Grants
The U.S. Fulbright program offers graduating seniors and recent graduates over 1000 9- to 12-month research grants to over 140 countries around the world. Applicants may propose library or field research, university course work, independent projects – read the Program Overview to learn more. Ten research grants are available to Korea for the 2009-2010 academic year.
GW Deadline: September 5, 2008 – Get in touch with our office soon if you are an interested junior or senior!
Critical Language Scholarships
Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, the Critical Language Scholarships Program offers intensive overseas study in the critical need foreign languages of Arabic, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish and Urdu. The Program is part of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI), a U.S. government interagency effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. Scholarship recipients receive full funding to participate in beginning, intermediate and advanced level summer language programs at American Overseas Research Centers and affiliated partners. Recipients are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period and later apply their critical language skills in their professional careers.
Deadline: January 2009
Freeman-Asia Study Abroad Scholarships
The primary goal of the Freeman-Asia Program is to increase the number of American undergraduates who study in East and Southeast Asia, by providing students with the information and financial assistance they will need. You must have applied or have been accepted to a country-based study abroad program from among the following countries/regions: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. Awardees are expected to share their experiences with their home campus to encourage study abroad by others and to spread understanding of Asia in their home communities. Awards range from $3000 to $7000, depending on the length of study. Awards total up to $5,000-7,000 per semester/year.
Deadline: October 15, 2008 for study abroad during the Spring 2009 semester
Gilman Scholarship Program for Study Abroad
The Gilman Scholarship Program broadens the student population that studies abroad by supporting undergraduates who have been traditionally underrepresented in US study abroad and those with high financial need. A student must be a Federal Pell Grant recipient at the time of the term abroad to qualify for the award. The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and Australia. The program seeks to assist students from a diverse range and type of two-year and four-year public and private institutions from all 50 states. Additional Critical Language Stipends are available for students studying Critical Needs Languages, such as Korean. Awards are for up to $5,000 with an additional $3,000 Critical Language Stipend possible.
Deadline: October 7, 2008 for study abroad during the Spring 2009 semester
National Language Flagship Fellowship
Through an innovative partnership between the federal government, education, and business, The Language Flagship seeks to graduate students who will take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a superior level of fluency in a language critical to U.S. competitiveness and security. NSEP offers a limited number of full fellowships to qualified American students to participate in one of the Flagship Programs, which are comprised of two year-long domestic and overseas components. Language Flagship Programs are offered for Arabic, Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Korean, Persian/Farsi, and Eurasian Languages (Russian, Central Asian).
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Mid-January 2009
National Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarship for Study Abroad
The NSEP David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships offer a unique opportunity for U.S. undergraduates to study abroad in regions critical to U.S. interests - including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America & the Caribbean, and the Middle East. (The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.) NSEP defines national security broadly, recognizing that its scope has expanded to include not only traditional concerns of protecting and promoting American well-being, but also the challenges of global society, including: sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness. NSEP emphasizes the importance of language study as a major component of your study abroad program. Awards total up to $8,000 per summer and $10,000 per semester of study.
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Mid-January 2009
National Security Education Program David L. Boren Graduate Fellowship
The National Security Education Program's (NSEP) David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships enable U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. NSEP supports students studying languages, cultures, and world regions other than Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Boren Fellowships are intended to support U.S. graduate students who will pursue the study of languages and cultures deemed critical to U.S. national security, and who are highly motivated by the opportunity to work in the federal government. Fellowships enable students representing a broad range of disciplines to add a significant language and international dimension to their curricula. Students already enrolled in internationally oriented programs are encouraged to intensify their study of areas, languages, and cultures through overseas study and domestic tuition support.
Service requirement: Recipients incur a service requirement – to serve in a paid position of the recipient’s choice in a national security-related government field – no shorter than the length of their award
Deadline: Late January 2009
Princeton in Asia
Princeton in Asia provides approximately 80 seniors or recent graduates with a year-long teaching or workplace fellowship with partner schools and organizations in the following countries: Cambodia, P. R. China, East Timor, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Deadline: Early December 2008
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships
Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships provide funding for one academic year of study in another country for recent graduates. This award is intended to help cover round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board expenses, and some educational supplies up to US$25,000 or its equivalent. Academic-Year Scholarships are the most common type of scholarship offered.
Deadline: Varies by Rotary Club; March-June 2009
Rotary Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships
Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships are for either three or six months of intensive language study and cultural immersion in another country and provide funds to cover round-trip transportation, language training expenses, and homestay living arrangements up to US$12,000 and US$19,000, respectively. Applications are considered for candidates interested in studying Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Swedish.
Deadline: Varies by Rotary Club; March-June 2009
Volunteers in Asia
VIA offers opportunities for approximately 40-50 college graduates to teach in China, Indonesia, Laos, and Vietnam for 1-2 years. Other opportunities include Community Fellowships available for work in Vietnam. Volunteers work either as English teachers at educational institutions or as English resource volunteers with local non-profit organizations. Applicants should be English-fluent college graduates living in the US who are excited about a new set of challenges and a new world of opportunity across the Pacific. Previous in-country experience is not required.
Deadline: Mid-February 2009
Anne Ciechanowski
Coordinating Advisor
Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research
714 21st Street NW
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
HSK information
HSK Organizer and Certificate Issuer
The CNCCPT Office and the HSK Center of BLCU (Beijing Language and Culture University) are both in charge of the HSK affairs.
The HSK Test
To be admitted to the test room, every examinee will be required to present his or her admission ticket and a photo-bearing ID (U.S. Driver’s License, ID card, passport, or a residence permit). No candidates will be allowed to enter the test room without the afore-mentioned two evidences. The candidates whose admission ticket is missing can only be admitted to the test room after the ticket is reissued (with handling charges). Tape recorders, cameras, dictionaries, notebooks, textbooks, and other unnecessary objects are not allowed in the room. Mobile phones shall be switched off and put away, and all bags will be placed at an area designated by the exam coordinators.
Candidates arriving five minutes late (from the start of the listening comprehension test) may be admitted to the testing room and begin the test right away. If examinees are 5 to 35 minutes late for the test, they may not start until the next section begins, and no extra test time is to be offset for late arrivals. 35 minutes after the beginning of the exam, no candidates will be admitted to the test room.
Things to note during the test
(1)Once in the test room, candidates shall put the admission ticket and the ID item on the upper right corner of the desk for inspection. All the activities of the candidates are subject to the instructions of the supervisor.
(2)Duration for HSK (Basic – Beginning) is about 135 minutes; HSK (Elementary-Intermediate) about 145 minutes without break; and HSK (Advanced) about 180 minutes with a break after the written test. In principle, candidates shall not leave the test room during the course of the test. If so under some exceptional circumstances, the candidate shall gain the permission from the supervisor.
(3)HSK has strict control of the time limits for each section of the test, and candidates shall answer the corresponding test questions within a given time period and avoid jumping to the later sections or turning back to the previous ones during the test.
(4)Candidates shall not take the test papers or answer sheets out of the room, or tear apart, replace, or copy the contents of the test.
(5)Candidates shall abide by the test instructions and rules and those who violate the rules will be warned and not even allowed to continue the test by the organizer.
(6) No hats, pagers, beepers, watches with alarms, access to book bags, etc. during the test.
The CNCCPT Office and the HSK Center of BLCU (Beijing Language and Culture University) are both in charge of the HSK affairs.
The HSK Test
To be admitted to the test room, every examinee will be required to present his or her admission ticket and a photo-bearing ID (U.S. Driver’s License, ID card, passport, or a residence permit). No candidates will be allowed to enter the test room without the afore-mentioned two evidences. The candidates whose admission ticket is missing can only be admitted to the test room after the ticket is reissued (with handling charges). Tape recorders, cameras, dictionaries, notebooks, textbooks, and other unnecessary objects are not allowed in the room. Mobile phones shall be switched off and put away, and all bags will be placed at an area designated by the exam coordinators.
Candidates arriving five minutes late (from the start of the listening comprehension test) may be admitted to the testing room and begin the test right away. If examinees are 5 to 35 minutes late for the test, they may not start until the next section begins, and no extra test time is to be offset for late arrivals. 35 minutes after the beginning of the exam, no candidates will be admitted to the test room.
Things to note during the test
(1)Once in the test room, candidates shall put the admission ticket and the ID item on the upper right corner of the desk for inspection. All the activities of the candidates are subject to the instructions of the supervisor.
(2)Duration for HSK (Basic – Beginning) is about 135 minutes; HSK (Elementary-Intermediate) about 145 minutes without break; and HSK (Advanced) about 180 minutes with a break after the written test. In principle, candidates shall not leave the test room during the course of the test. If so under some exceptional circumstances, the candidate shall gain the permission from the supervisor.
(3)HSK has strict control of the time limits for each section of the test, and candidates shall answer the corresponding test questions within a given time period and avoid jumping to the later sections or turning back to the previous ones during the test.
(4)Candidates shall not take the test papers or answer sheets out of the room, or tear apart, replace, or copy the contents of the test.
(5)Candidates shall abide by the test instructions and rules and those who violate the rules will be warned and not even allowed to continue the test by the organizer.
(6) No hats, pagers, beepers, watches with alarms, access to book bags, etc. during the test.
Chinese Proficiency Test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi; HSK)
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Chinese Proficiency Test
2008 HSK Test Dates at the University of Maryland:
Sunday, May 18, 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 19, 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Holzapfel Hall, Room 0134; and go to “test info”
HSK General Introduction China's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, known as HSK, or the Chinese Proficiency Test, is a standardized test at the state level designed and developed by the HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers (foreigners, overseas Chinese, and students of Chinese national minorities).
HSK consists of the basic Chinese proficiency test (HSK Basic), the elementary and intermediate Chinese proficiency test (HSK Elementary-Intermediate), and the advanced Chinese proficiency test (HSK Advanced). HSK is held regularly in China and other countries each year. Certificates of HSK will be issued to those who have secured the required scores. The Chinese Ministry of Education has established China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)(CNCCPT). The Committee is the supervisor of HSK and the issuer of the Chinese proficiency certificates. CNCCPT has an office called Office of China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), which takes care of the HSK affairs with the HSK Center, BLCU.
About Applicants of HSK HSK (Basic, or Beginning) applies to those learners with basic Chinese proficiencies, namely, those who have taken 100 to 800 hours of regular modern Chinese learning (including those with equivalent learning experiences).
HSK (Elementary – Intermediate) is for those who are at the elementary and intermediate level in Chinese proficiency, i.e. those who have taken 400-2000 regular hours of modern Chinese courses (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard).
The HSK (Advanced) is designed to measure the Chinese proficiency of those who are proficient in Chinese, i.e. who have taken 3000 regular hours or more modern Chinese learning (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard).
Functions of HSK Certificates (1)to certify that the holder has acquired the required Chinese Proficiency to enter a Chinese college or university as an undergraduate or graduate student. (2)to certify that the holder can be exempt from taking a certain Chinese language course depending on the level of certification. (3)as a basis for employers to evaluate the Chinese proficiency of job applicants.
Preparation for HSK As a standardized test of general language proficiency, HSK is not based on any particular textbook or course of study. Therefore candidates may refer to any textbook in preparing for the test. Nevertheless, it is important that all candidates read the HSK Test Syllabus carefully, a guide for the pre-test preparation.
The Basic-“Beginning” HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
Question Number
1 Listening
Approx. 35 mins.
2 Grammar
40 minutes
3 Reading
60 minutes
There are no true breaks allowed during the test unless circumstances are urgent.
The Elementary -“Intermediate” HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
Question Number
1 Listening
About 35 minutes
2 Grammar
20 minutes
3 Reading
60 minutes
4 Cloze Test
30 minutes
There are no true breaks allowed during the test unless circumstances are urgent.
The Advanced HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
HSK (Advanced) comprises the following three independent tests: a 120-minute written test, a writing test and an oral test. There are 3 sections in the 120-minute written subtest as specified below:
Question Number
1 Listening
Approx. 30 min
2 Reading
15 minutes
25 minutes
3 Cloze
40 minutes
A ten-minute break after the end of the written test will be taken before the writing and oral tests. The duration of the writing test is 30 minutes, when candidates are to finish a composition of 400 to 600 words.
The oral test will take 20 minutes, of which 10 minutes is set for the preparation and the other ten for the interview. In the first 2 minutes of the interview candidates will read aloud a passage and then answer two given questions, each taking about 3 minutes.; and go to “test info”
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Chinese Proficiency Test
2008 HSK Test Dates at the University of Maryland:
Sunday, May 18, 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 19, 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Holzapfel Hall, Room 0134; and go to “test info”
HSK General Introduction China's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, known as HSK, or the Chinese Proficiency Test, is a standardized test at the state level designed and developed by the HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers (foreigners, overseas Chinese, and students of Chinese national minorities).
HSK consists of the basic Chinese proficiency test (HSK Basic), the elementary and intermediate Chinese proficiency test (HSK Elementary-Intermediate), and the advanced Chinese proficiency test (HSK Advanced). HSK is held regularly in China and other countries each year. Certificates of HSK will be issued to those who have secured the required scores. The Chinese Ministry of Education has established China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)(CNCCPT). The Committee is the supervisor of HSK and the issuer of the Chinese proficiency certificates. CNCCPT has an office called Office of China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), which takes care of the HSK affairs with the HSK Center, BLCU.
About Applicants of HSK HSK (Basic, or Beginning) applies to those learners with basic Chinese proficiencies, namely, those who have taken 100 to 800 hours of regular modern Chinese learning (including those with equivalent learning experiences).
HSK (Elementary – Intermediate) is for those who are at the elementary and intermediate level in Chinese proficiency, i.e. those who have taken 400-2000 regular hours of modern Chinese courses (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard).
The HSK (Advanced) is designed to measure the Chinese proficiency of those who are proficient in Chinese, i.e. who have taken 3000 regular hours or more modern Chinese learning (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard).
Functions of HSK Certificates (1)to certify that the holder has acquired the required Chinese Proficiency to enter a Chinese college or university as an undergraduate or graduate student. (2)to certify that the holder can be exempt from taking a certain Chinese language course depending on the level of certification. (3)as a basis for employers to evaluate the Chinese proficiency of job applicants.
Preparation for HSK As a standardized test of general language proficiency, HSK is not based on any particular textbook or course of study. Therefore candidates may refer to any textbook in preparing for the test. Nevertheless, it is important that all candidates read the HSK Test Syllabus carefully, a guide for the pre-test preparation.
The Basic-“Beginning” HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
Question Number
1 Listening
Approx. 35 mins.
2 Grammar
40 minutes
3 Reading
60 minutes
There are no true breaks allowed during the test unless circumstances are urgent.
The Elementary -“Intermediate” HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
Question Number
1 Listening
About 35 minutes
2 Grammar
20 minutes
3 Reading
60 minutes
4 Cloze Test
30 minutes
There are no true breaks allowed during the test unless circumstances are urgent.
The Advanced HSK Chinese Proficiency Test
HSK (Advanced) comprises the following three independent tests: a 120-minute written test, a writing test and an oral test. There are 3 sections in the 120-minute written subtest as specified below:
Question Number
1 Listening
Approx. 30 min
2 Reading
15 minutes
25 minutes
3 Cloze
40 minutes
A ten-minute break after the end of the written test will be taken before the writing and oral tests. The duration of the writing test is 30 minutes, when candidates are to finish a composition of 400 to 600 words.
The oral test will take 20 minutes, of which 10 minutes is set for the preparation and the other ten for the interview. In the first 2 minutes of the interview candidates will read aloud a passage and then answer two given questions, each taking about 3 minutes.; and go to “test info”
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) in Taiwan (the Republic of China)
The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) in Taiwan (the Republic of China) provides “Research Grant Program for International Scholars in Chinese Studies” which is designed for foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes.
The content of the research, to be undertaken in Taiwan, should be within the field of Chinese studies. Research tenure is three months to one year, one direct round trip economy class flight ticket and research subsidies will be provided by the CCS.
Applications should be submitted to the CCS by May 31, 2008, for more information and download the application form, please visit CCS official website
The content of the research, to be undertaken in Taiwan, should be within the field of Chinese studies. Research tenure is three months to one year, one direct round trip economy class flight ticket and research subsidies will be provided by the CCS.
Applications should be submitted to the CCS by May 31, 2008, for more information and download the application form, please visit CCS official website
Thursday, February 21, 2008
summer chinese classes
Summer Chinese intensive classes:
first-year chinese: Chin001,002, May 19th-Aug.16th, Mon-Thu 6-8:30pm
second-year chinese:003,004, May 19th-Aug.16th, Mon-Thu 6-8:30pm
Please find the details :
first-year chinese: Chin001,002, May 19th-Aug.16th, Mon-Thu 6-8:30pm
second-year chinese:003,004, May 19th-Aug.16th, Mon-Thu 6-8:30pm
Please find the details :
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Introduction to Scholarship Program of Taiwan
Scholarship Program of Taiwan
Provided by
The Scholarship Program of Taiwan
Steering Committee
I. Purpose
Since 2004, four government agencies of the Republic of China (Taiwan) --- Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), and National Science Council of the Executive Yuan (NSC) ---have jointly established the Scholarship Program of Taiwan to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan. While providing study opportunities for a wide range of disciplines, at Taiwan’s universities and colleges, this program also aims to:
a. Promote knowledge, understanding and friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world.
b. Explore opportunities to increase academic and educational links with international institutions of higher learning.
c. Develop outstanding professionals and experts to meet the needs from Taiwan’s business and industry sectors.
II. Types of Scholarships
In terms of recipients’ nationalities and study programs, there are four participating agencies funding this program, each with a different focus:
a. MOFA Scholarship:
Recipients from countries with diplomatic relations with the R.O.C. (Taiwan), or from those specified as diplomatically favorable by MOFA.
Undergraduate or postgraduate programs. Pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) is to be included as recipients’ choice for improving their language abilities.
b. MOE Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Undergraduate or postgraduate programs. LEP is to be included as recipients’ choice for improving their language abilities.
c. NSC Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Postgraduate programs.
d. MOEA Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Postgraduate programs, only for the areas involving scientific technology (such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, medicine and agriculture to name a few)
III. Value
Scholarship offerings vary from agency to agency as outlined below:
a. MOFA Scholarship: International airfare for economy-class, direct-route and roundtrip
flights, plus a monthly stipend of NT$30,000 (approximately US$950).
b. MOE Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$25,000 (approximately US$790) for
undergraduate or LEP study, and NT$30,000 for a postgraduate
c. NSC Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$30, 000.
d. MOEA Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$30, 000.
IV. Duration
The award period for each study program varies as follows:
a. Undergraduate program: maximum 4 years.
b. Master’s program: maximum 2 years.
c. Doctoral program: maximum 3 years.
d. LEP program: maximum 1 year.
For any combination of these study programs, the length of the total award for each recipient
is a maximum of five years. LEP study must be undertaken in the first year, if it is to be included in the total award period of the recipient’s choosing.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If recipients fail to
arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin studies after the semester/term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual universities/colleges/Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the LEP award period ends in August although its length may be less than the specified maximum of one year.
In terms of the actual award period for one study program, it will begin from the month that
recipients arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their intended educational institutions. All awards will end the month their specified award period is completed. However, if recipients graduate, drop out, are expelled from their institutions, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes first, the award will be terminated.
V. Eligibility
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possess prior excellent academic performance and be of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not currently enrolled at an educational institution in Taiwan, for the same study program that he/she intends to take for a SPOT scholarship.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a SPOT scholarship.
f. Is not applying for a study program leading to the same-level degree as previously undertaken under the SPOT Program.
g. Has not received SPOT scholarships for a total of 5 or more years.
h. Has not previously had an award revoked either under the SPOT program or the program “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.”
i. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any one of government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
Those who are undertaking degree programs at international universities/colleges may be
eligible to apply for SPOT awards, if those degree programs are comparative with the same level of degree programs in Taiwan.
VI. Application and Selection Process
For application receipt, review and selection, applicants must send their completed
documents to the Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent
residence. In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each
year, unless individual Taiwan’s representative offices specify otherwise. For application
guidelines and forms, scholarship types and quotas, as well as information about the selection
process and outcome announcement, applicants may directly contact the relevant representative
offices at the end of January.
A complete application includes the following materials:
a. A completed application form.
b. Photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.
c. Photocopy of the highest-level diploma and a complete grade transcript.
d. Supporting admission application material (e.g. photocopy of application form).
e. Photocopy of a certificate of the acceptable levels of English or Chinese language proficiency, depending on whichever language will be used for instruction in class.
f. Additional documents, if any, to be specified by individual representative offices.
In principle, selection priority will be given to those who intend to undertake a degree
program and have successfully secured admission to a university/college.
VII. Re-Applying
Upon completion of a degree program, recipients may re-apply for a SPOT Scholarship to
undertake another degree program, by following the rules of the application process as specified above. Each recipient’s total award period cannot exceed 5 years.
VIII. Renewal
To review recipients’ award qualifications for the next academic year, individual universities/
colleges will conduct an evaluation process for the SPOT scholarship renewal by February 28th of
each year.
Each educational institution may set grading criteria for the minimum academic average for a semester, or may take the common criteria--- 60 out of 100 for undergraduates and 70 for postgraduates. For recipients in grade 3 of their doctoral programs, this evaluation should be done by the way as specified by individual institutions, since systems vary from discipline to discipline, in terms of requirements for session credits and scheduling of dissertation writing.
Recipients will be permanently disqualified from receiving any SPOT awards, effective September of the new academic year, if they fail to achieve a specified minimum academic average for two single consecutive semesters of study.
VIIII. Suspension and Revocation
(I) Suspension
A. Degree Programs:
If a recipient fails to achieve a specified minimum academic average for a semester,
stipends for one month will be suspended in the following semester.
B. LEP Program:
a. Attendance Records:
With the exception of a serious illness or accident, if a recipient is absent from his/her required Language sessions for 12 or more hours within a single month, stipends for the following month will be suspended.
b. Academic Performance:
Beginning from the second study term/quarter in Taiwan, if a recipient’s academic
average for a study term/quarter is less than 80 out of 100, stipends for one month will be suspended in the following term/quarter.
c. TOP Mandarin Proficiency Rating (
A one-month-stipend suspension will be imposed if a recipient fails to submit to his/her individual Mandarin training center, a photocopy of a TOP (Test of Proficiency---Huayu) certificate with results rated at the basic level or above, by July 31st, one month before his/her LEP award period is due. Registration fees for this TOP test are the full responsibility of the recipient.
However, if the recipient succeeds in this TOP test during his/her next-stage award period for a degree program, the suspended one-month stipends as stated above will be reimbursed, by his/her application with the university/college that he/she will be attending.
(II) Revocation:
A recipient may be permanently disqualified from receiving a SPOT scholarship and the remaining stipends will be cancelled, if one of the following situations arises:
A. Degree Programs:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each semester, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her university/college.
b. Failure at the evaluation for annual renewal of his/her SPOT scholarship.
c. Failure to submit a photocopy of an acceptable English /Chinese language proficiency certificate, if he/she transfers to a new program of study, for which the other language is to be used for instruction.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
B. LEP Program:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each study term/quarter, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her Mandarin training center.
b. Failure to achieve an academic average of 80 or above out of 100 for two single consecutive terms/quarters of study, beginning from the second term/quarter after studying in Taiwan.
c. Absence from exams as a result of missing a score for a study term/quarter, with the exception of a serious illness or accident.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
X. Transfer
After studying for a semester/term/quarter at a university/college/Mandarin training center, a recipient may be allowed to transfer once during the course of a degree/LEP program, only if the pertinent educational institutions approve this request.
A recipient, who undertakes degree study, must submit the new institution a photocopy of an acceptable English/Chinese language proficiency certificate, if he/she transfers to a new program of study, for which the other language is to be used for instruction.
XI. Scholarship Granting
In principle, stipends are granted before the 5th day of each month, through the universities/
colleges/Mandarin training centers which the recipients attend, and by a method as specified by the individual institutions.
It is mandatory that recipients participate in the National Health Insurance Plan and purchase the policies of the Student Accident Insurance during the period of their residence and study in Taiwan. The recipients’ educational institutions will deduct fees for these insurance plans from the recipients’ stipends, before the processing of the fund granting to them.
Scholarship Program of Taiwan
Provided by
The Scholarship Program of Taiwan
Steering Committee
I. Purpose
Since 2004, four government agencies of the Republic of China (Taiwan) --- Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), and National Science Council of the Executive Yuan (NSC) ---have jointly established the Scholarship Program of Taiwan to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree programs in Taiwan. While providing study opportunities for a wide range of disciplines, at Taiwan’s universities and colleges, this program also aims to:
a. Promote knowledge, understanding and friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world.
b. Explore opportunities to increase academic and educational links with international institutions of higher learning.
c. Develop outstanding professionals and experts to meet the needs from Taiwan’s business and industry sectors.
II. Types of Scholarships
In terms of recipients’ nationalities and study programs, there are four participating agencies funding this program, each with a different focus:
a. MOFA Scholarship:
Recipients from countries with diplomatic relations with the R.O.C. (Taiwan), or from those specified as diplomatically favorable by MOFA.
Undergraduate or postgraduate programs. Pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) is to be included as recipients’ choice for improving their language abilities.
b. MOE Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Undergraduate or postgraduate programs. LEP is to be included as recipients’ choice for improving their language abilities.
c. NSC Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Postgraduate programs.
d. MOEA Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Scholarship.
Postgraduate programs, only for the areas involving scientific technology (such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, medicine and agriculture to name a few)
III. Value
Scholarship offerings vary from agency to agency as outlined below:
a. MOFA Scholarship: International airfare for economy-class, direct-route and roundtrip
flights, plus a monthly stipend of NT$30,000 (approximately US$950).
b. MOE Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$25,000 (approximately US$790) for
undergraduate or LEP study, and NT$30,000 for a postgraduate
c. NSC Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$30, 000.
d. MOEA Scholarship: A monthly stipend of NT$30, 000.
IV. Duration
The award period for each study program varies as follows:
a. Undergraduate program: maximum 4 years.
b. Master’s program: maximum 2 years.
c. Doctoral program: maximum 3 years.
d. LEP program: maximum 1 year.
For any combination of these study programs, the length of the total award for each recipient
is a maximum of five years. LEP study must be undertaken in the first year, if it is to be included in the total award period of the recipient’s choosing.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If recipients fail to
arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin studies after the semester/term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual universities/colleges/Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the LEP award period ends in August although its length may be less than the specified maximum of one year.
In terms of the actual award period for one study program, it will begin from the month that
recipients arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their intended educational institutions. All awards will end the month their specified award period is completed. However, if recipients graduate, drop out, are expelled from their institutions, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes first, the award will be terminated.
V. Eligibility
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possess prior excellent academic performance and be of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not currently enrolled at an educational institution in Taiwan, for the same study program that he/she intends to take for a SPOT scholarship.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a SPOT scholarship.
f. Is not applying for a study program leading to the same-level degree as previously undertaken under the SPOT Program.
g. Has not received SPOT scholarships for a total of 5 or more years.
h. Has not previously had an award revoked either under the SPOT program or the program “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.”
i. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any one of government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
Those who are undertaking degree programs at international universities/colleges may be
eligible to apply for SPOT awards, if those degree programs are comparative with the same level of degree programs in Taiwan.
VI. Application and Selection Process
For application receipt, review and selection, applicants must send their completed
documents to the Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent
residence. In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each
year, unless individual Taiwan’s representative offices specify otherwise. For application
guidelines and forms, scholarship types and quotas, as well as information about the selection
process and outcome announcement, applicants may directly contact the relevant representative
offices at the end of January.
A complete application includes the following materials:
a. A completed application form.
b. Photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.
c. Photocopy of the highest-level diploma and a complete grade transcript.
d. Supporting admission application material (e.g. photocopy of application form).
e. Photocopy of a certificate of the acceptable levels of English or Chinese language proficiency, depending on whichever language will be used for instruction in class.
f. Additional documents, if any, to be specified by individual representative offices.
In principle, selection priority will be given to those who intend to undertake a degree
program and have successfully secured admission to a university/college.
VII. Re-Applying
Upon completion of a degree program, recipients may re-apply for a SPOT Scholarship to
undertake another degree program, by following the rules of the application process as specified above. Each recipient’s total award period cannot exceed 5 years.
VIII. Renewal
To review recipients’ award qualifications for the next academic year, individual universities/
colleges will conduct an evaluation process for the SPOT scholarship renewal by February 28th of
each year.
Each educational institution may set grading criteria for the minimum academic average for a semester, or may take the common criteria--- 60 out of 100 for undergraduates and 70 for postgraduates. For recipients in grade 3 of their doctoral programs, this evaluation should be done by the way as specified by individual institutions, since systems vary from discipline to discipline, in terms of requirements for session credits and scheduling of dissertation writing.
Recipients will be permanently disqualified from receiving any SPOT awards, effective September of the new academic year, if they fail to achieve a specified minimum academic average for two single consecutive semesters of study.
VIIII. Suspension and Revocation
(I) Suspension
A. Degree Programs:
If a recipient fails to achieve a specified minimum academic average for a semester,
stipends for one month will be suspended in the following semester.
B. LEP Program:
a. Attendance Records:
With the exception of a serious illness or accident, if a recipient is absent from his/her required Language sessions for 12 or more hours within a single month, stipends for the following month will be suspended.
b. Academic Performance:
Beginning from the second study term/quarter in Taiwan, if a recipient’s academic
average for a study term/quarter is less than 80 out of 100, stipends for one month will be suspended in the following term/quarter.
c. TOP Mandarin Proficiency Rating (
A one-month-stipend suspension will be imposed if a recipient fails to submit to his/her individual Mandarin training center, a photocopy of a TOP (Test of Proficiency---Huayu) certificate with results rated at the basic level or above, by July 31st, one month before his/her LEP award period is due. Registration fees for this TOP test are the full responsibility of the recipient.
However, if the recipient succeeds in this TOP test during his/her next-stage award period for a degree program, the suspended one-month stipends as stated above will be reimbursed, by his/her application with the university/college that he/she will be attending.
(II) Revocation:
A recipient may be permanently disqualified from receiving a SPOT scholarship and the remaining stipends will be cancelled, if one of the following situations arises:
A. Degree Programs:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each semester, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her university/college.
b. Failure at the evaluation for annual renewal of his/her SPOT scholarship.
c. Failure to submit a photocopy of an acceptable English /Chinese language proficiency certificate, if he/she transfers to a new program of study, for which the other language is to be used for instruction.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
B. LEP Program:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each study term/quarter, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her Mandarin training center.
b. Failure to achieve an academic average of 80 or above out of 100 for two single consecutive terms/quarters of study, beginning from the second term/quarter after studying in Taiwan.
c. Absence from exams as a result of missing a score for a study term/quarter, with the exception of a serious illness or accident.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
X. Transfer
After studying for a semester/term/quarter at a university/college/Mandarin training center, a recipient may be allowed to transfer once during the course of a degree/LEP program, only if the pertinent educational institutions approve this request.
A recipient, who undertakes degree study, must submit the new institution a photocopy of an acceptable English/Chinese language proficiency certificate, if he/she transfers to a new program of study, for which the other language is to be used for instruction.
XI. Scholarship Granting
In principle, stipends are granted before the 5th day of each month, through the universities/
colleges/Mandarin training centers which the recipients attend, and by a method as specified by the individual institutions.
It is mandatory that recipients participate in the National Health Insurance Plan and purchase the policies of the Student Accident Insurance during the period of their residence and study in Taiwan. The recipients’ educational institutions will deduct fees for these insurance plans from the recipients’ stipends, before the processing of the fund granting to them.
Introduction to Taiwan Language Scholarship
Ministry of Education
Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
Provided by
Ministry of Education
Republic of China (Taiwan)
I. Purpose
To encourage international students and individuals to undertake Mandarin study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) established in 2005, the program “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.” While providing study opportunities for Mandarin language and Taiwan’s culture at university- or college-affiliated Mandarin training centers, this program also aims to:
a. Contribute to a better command of the Mandarin language, and hence a greater understanding and appreciation of Taiwan’s culture.
b. Promote friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world.
c. Explore opportunities to increase exchange with international education institutions.
II. Value
A stipend of NT$25,000 (approximately US$790) is to be offered to a recipient by month.
IIII. Duration
The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
One year
Nine months
Six months
Three months
A recipient is also to be allowed to select an award period of two months, if his/her intended
Mandarin training center offers a session for a term of two months.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If recipients fail to
arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin their studies after the study term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the award period ends in August.
In terms of the actual award period for this Mandarin study program, it will begin from the
month that recipients arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their intended Mandarin training centers.
All awards will end the month their specified award period is completed. However, if recipients
drop out, are expelled from their institutions, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes
first, the award will be terminated.
IV. Eligibility
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possess prior excellent academic performance and be of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not a current student either at a Mandarin training center, or at a university/college in Taiwan.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a HES scholarship.
f. Has not previously received an award either under this scholarship program or the Scholarship Program of Taiwan.
g. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any one of government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
Those who are financially self-supporting while undertaking their degree or Mandarin studies
in Taiwan may be eligible to apply for HES awards, upon completion of their current programs of
V. Application and Selection Process
For application receipt, review and selection, applicants must send their completed
documents to the Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent
residence. In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each
year, unless individual Taiwan’s representative offices specify otherwise. For application
guidelines and forms, scholarship quotas, as well as information about the selection process and
outcome announcement, applicants may directly contact the relevant representative offices at the
end of January.
A complete application includes the following materials:
a. A completed application form.
b. Photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.
c. Photocopy of the highest-level diploma and a complete grade transcript.
d. Supporting admission application material (e.g. photocopy of application form).
e. Additional documents, if any, to be specified by individual representative offices.
VI. Suspension and Revocation
(I) Suspension
a. Attendance Records:
With the exception of a serious illness or accident, if a recipient is absent from his/her
required Language sessions for 12 or more hours within a single month, stipends for the
following month will be suspended.
b. Academic Performance:
Beginning from the second study term/quarter in Taiwan, if a recipient’s academic average
for a study term/quarter is less than 80 out of 100, stipends for one month will be suspended in the following term/quarter.
(II) Revocation:
A recipient may be permanently disqualified from receiving a HES scholarship and the remaining stipends will be cancelled, if one of the following situations arises:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each study term/quarter, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her Mandarin training center.
b. Failure to achieve an academic average of 80 or above out of 100 for two single consecutive terms/quarters of study, beginning from the second term/quarter after studying in Taiwan.
c. Absence from exams as a result of missing a score for a study term/quarter, with the exception of a serious illness or accident.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
VII. Transfer
After studying for a term/quarter at a Mandarin training center in Taiwan, a recipient with an award period of one year may be allowed to transfer once during the course of his/her study, only if the pertinent educational institutions approve this request. Recipients who carry an award period of less than one year may not apply for a transfer.
VIII. Scholarship Granting
In principle, stipends are granted before the 5th day of each month, through the Mandarin
training centers which the recipients attend, and by a method as specified by the individual institutions.
It is mandatory that recipients, who carry an award period of six or more months, participate in the National Health Insurance Plan and purchase the policies of the Student Accident Insurance during the period of their residence and study in Taiwan. The recipients’ educational institutions will deduct fees for these insurance plans from the recipients’ stipends, before the processing of the fund granting to them.
Ministry of Education
Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
Provided by
Ministry of Education
Republic of China (Taiwan)
I. Purpose
To encourage international students and individuals to undertake Mandarin study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) established in 2005, the program “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.” While providing study opportunities for Mandarin language and Taiwan’s culture at university- or college-affiliated Mandarin training centers, this program also aims to:
a. Contribute to a better command of the Mandarin language, and hence a greater understanding and appreciation of Taiwan’s culture.
b. Promote friendship between Taiwan and countries around the world.
c. Explore opportunities to increase exchange with international education institutions.
II. Value
A stipend of NT$25,000 (approximately US$790) is to be offered to a recipient by month.
IIII. Duration
The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
One year
Nine months
Six months
Three months
A recipient is also to be allowed to select an award period of two months, if his/her intended
Mandarin training center offers a session for a term of two months.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If recipients fail to
arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, their award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin their studies after the study term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the award period ends in August.
In terms of the actual award period for this Mandarin study program, it will begin from the
month that recipients arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their intended Mandarin training centers.
All awards will end the month their specified award period is completed. However, if recipients
drop out, are expelled from their institutions, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes
first, the award will be terminated.
IV. Eligibility
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possess prior excellent academic performance and be of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not a current student either at a Mandarin training center, or at a university/college in Taiwan.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a HES scholarship.
f. Has not previously received an award either under this scholarship program or the Scholarship Program of Taiwan.
g. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any one of government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
Those who are financially self-supporting while undertaking their degree or Mandarin studies
in Taiwan may be eligible to apply for HES awards, upon completion of their current programs of
V. Application and Selection Process
For application receipt, review and selection, applicants must send their completed
documents to the Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent
residence. In principle, the application period is from February 1st through March 31st of each
year, unless individual Taiwan’s representative offices specify otherwise. For application
guidelines and forms, scholarship quotas, as well as information about the selection process and
outcome announcement, applicants may directly contact the relevant representative offices at the
end of January.
A complete application includes the following materials:
a. A completed application form.
b. Photocopy of passport or other nationality certificates.
c. Photocopy of the highest-level diploma and a complete grade transcript.
d. Supporting admission application material (e.g. photocopy of application form).
e. Additional documents, if any, to be specified by individual representative offices.
VI. Suspension and Revocation
(I) Suspension
a. Attendance Records:
With the exception of a serious illness or accident, if a recipient is absent from his/her
required Language sessions for 12 or more hours within a single month, stipends for the
following month will be suspended.
b. Academic Performance:
Beginning from the second study term/quarter in Taiwan, if a recipient’s academic average
for a study term/quarter is less than 80 out of 100, stipends for one month will be suspended in the following term/quarter.
(II) Revocation:
A recipient may be permanently disqualified from receiving a HES scholarship and the remaining stipends will be cancelled, if one of the following situations arises:
a. Failure to submit at the time of matriculation for each study term/quarter, an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with the reason “Study,” on the deadlines as specified by his/her Mandarin training center.
b. Failure to achieve an academic average of 80 or above out of 100 for two single consecutive terms/quarters of study, beginning from the second term/quarter after studying in Taiwan.
c. Absence from exams as a result of missing a score for a study term/quarter, with the exception of a serious illness or accident.
d. Dropping out or being expelled from school.
e. In receipt of another scholarship or subsidy, offered by one of Taiwan’s government or educational institutions.
VII. Transfer
After studying for a term/quarter at a Mandarin training center in Taiwan, a recipient with an award period of one year may be allowed to transfer once during the course of his/her study, only if the pertinent educational institutions approve this request. Recipients who carry an award period of less than one year may not apply for a transfer.
VIII. Scholarship Granting
In principle, stipends are granted before the 5th day of each month, through the Mandarin
training centers which the recipients attend, and by a method as specified by the individual institutions.
It is mandatory that recipients, who carry an award period of six or more months, participate in the National Health Insurance Plan and purchase the policies of the Student Accident Insurance during the period of their residence and study in Taiwan. The recipients’ educational institutions will deduct fees for these insurance plans from the recipients’ stipends, before the processing of the fund granting to them.
Taiwan Language Scholarship Application Form
Application Form for
ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education Mandarin Enrichment Scholarships
This application form should be typed and completed by the applicant. Each question must be answered clearly and completely. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. 申請人請詳實工整填寫,慎勿遺漏,以利配合作業,如有需要,可自行以同款紙張加頁說明。
a.NAME姓名 Title 稱謂: Mr./Mrs./Ms.
Surname(Last name)姓:
Given Name(s) 名:
Chinese Name 中文姓名: Please attach a photograph that has been taken within the last 3 months.
c. NATIONALITY國籍 Note: Foreigners who are concurrently holding a Taiwan nationality are not eligible to apply.
聯絡地址、電話、電子郵件 Permanent Address永久地址:
Mailing Address (If different from above)郵寄地址:
Telephone電話: E-mail電子郵件:
e. SEX性別 □ Male 男 □ Female女
婚姻狀況 □ Single單身 □ Married 已婚
生日 (Day日/Month 月/Year 年):
健康狀況 □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair
□ Yes有 If yes, Please specify. 如有請指明
緊急事件聯絡人 Name姓名: Relationship 關係:
Tel電話: E-mail 電子郵件:
優 Good良 Fair
可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair
(please state)
Level 程度 Name of Institution
校名 Country/City
地點 Period of Enrollment
Education 中學
Undergraduate Level Education 大學
Graduate Level Education 研究所
4. REFERENCES 推薦單位 (人) 資料
Name 姓名 Position職務 Phone , E-Mail or Mailing Address電話及郵電地址
5. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT 工作經歷 (Use one line for each position)
職務 Company/Organization
機構名稱 Period of Employment
服務期間 Responsibilities
職稱 c. From起始日期
d. CONTACT INFO. 聯絡資訊 Address 地址:
Tel 電話:
Fax 電傳: E-mail 電子郵件:
e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 機構種類 □ Govt. Ministry/ □ University/ □ Govt./State-owned
Agency政府部門 Institution大學校院 Enterprise 公營企業
□ Locally-owned □ Joint Venture □ Foreign-owned □ NGO
Enterprise私人企業 合資企業 Enterprise 國際公司 非政府機構
7. LANGUAGE CENTER WHICH YOU PLAN TO ATTEND IN TAIWAN擬就讀之語文中心 (For information about university-affiliated language centers in Taiwan, pleaser visit the official government website for advice on study in Taiwan at
University affiliated language center:
8. Duration 擬申請之受獎期限
The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
□ One year (1年)
□ Nine months ( 9個月)
□ Six months (6個月)
□ Three months (3個月)
□ Two months (3個月)
I declare that:
The information I have given on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant’s Signature Date
_____ /_____/_____
Application Form for
ROC (Taiwan) Ministry of Education Mandarin Enrichment Scholarships
This application form should be typed and completed by the applicant. Each question must be answered clearly and completely. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. 申請人請詳實工整填寫,慎勿遺漏,以利配合作業,如有需要,可自行以同款紙張加頁說明。
a.NAME姓名 Title 稱謂: Mr./Mrs./Ms.
Surname(Last name)姓:
Given Name(s) 名:
Chinese Name 中文姓名: Please attach a photograph that has been taken within the last 3 months.
c. NATIONALITY國籍 Note: Foreigners who are concurrently holding a Taiwan nationality are not eligible to apply.
聯絡地址、電話、電子郵件 Permanent Address永久地址:
Mailing Address (If different from above)郵寄地址:
Telephone電話: E-mail電子郵件:
e. SEX性別 □ Male 男 □ Female女
婚姻狀況 □ Single單身 □ Married 已婚
生日 (Day日/Month 月/Year 年):
健康狀況 □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair
□ Yes有 If yes, Please specify. 如有請指明
緊急事件聯絡人 Name姓名: Relationship 關係:
Tel電話: E-mail 電子郵件:
優 Good良 Fair
可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair可 Excellent優 Good良 Fair
(please state)
Level 程度 Name of Institution
校名 Country/City
地點 Period of Enrollment
Education 中學
Undergraduate Level Education 大學
Graduate Level Education 研究所
4. REFERENCES 推薦單位 (人) 資料
Name 姓名 Position職務 Phone , E-Mail or Mailing Address電話及郵電地址
5. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT 工作經歷 (Use one line for each position)
職務 Company/Organization
機構名稱 Period of Employment
服務期間 Responsibilities
職稱 c. From起始日期
d. CONTACT INFO. 聯絡資訊 Address 地址:
Tel 電話:
Fax 電傳: E-mail 電子郵件:
e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 機構種類 □ Govt. Ministry/ □ University/ □ Govt./State-owned
Agency政府部門 Institution大學校院 Enterprise 公營企業
□ Locally-owned □ Joint Venture □ Foreign-owned □ NGO
Enterprise私人企業 合資企業 Enterprise 國際公司 非政府機構
7. LANGUAGE CENTER WHICH YOU PLAN TO ATTEND IN TAIWAN擬就讀之語文中心 (For information about university-affiliated language centers in Taiwan, pleaser visit the official government website for advice on study in Taiwan at
University affiliated language center:
8. Duration 擬申請之受獎期限
The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
□ One year (1年)
□ Nine months ( 9個月)
□ Six months (6個月)
□ Three months (3個月)
□ Two months (3個月)
I declare that:
The information I have given on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant’s Signature Date
_____ /_____/_____
Taiwan Language Scholarship Newsrelease
News Release
2008 Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
To encourage international students and individuals to undertake Mandarin study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) established the “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.” Focused primarily on providing opportunities to study Mandarin language and the culture of Taiwan at university and college-affiliated Mandarin training centers, this program aims to:
a. Contribute to a better command of the Mandarin language, and hence a greater understanding and appreciation of Taiwan’s culture.
b. Promote friendship between Taiwan and the United States.
c. Explore opportunities to increase exchanges with international educational institutions.
Information about the scholarship is as follows:
Duration : The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
Once awarded, scholarship recipients will be allowed to choose an award period of
One year
Nine months
Six months
Three months
Award recipients may also select an award period of two months, if his/her intended Mandarin training center offers two-month sessions.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If a recipient fails to arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, his/her award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin their studies after the study term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the award period ends in August.
Award Benefits:
A monthly stipend of NT$25,000.00(NT$32.5=U.S. $1, subject to change)
Important Dates:
Application Receipt Deadline: March 15, 2008
Award Notification : late April 2008---At that time, recommended candidates will receive a letter from the Cultural Division at TECRO. After receiving the final notification from TECRO, awardees should apply to a university with an approved Mandarin Language Training Center.(see attached list)
Eligibility Requirement:
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possesses a record of excellent academic performance and is of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not a current student at either a Mandarin training center or university/college in Taiwan.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a HES scholarship.
f. Has not previously received an award under this scholarship program or the Scholarship Program of Taiwan.
g. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any of the government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
h. Is a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an institution of higher education in Alabama、Delaware、Maryland、Florida、Georgia、Kentucky、North Carolina、South Carolina、Tennessee、Virginia or the District of Columbia.
I. Possesses a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale.
J. Possesses sufficient Chinese language proficiency in speaking and listening to be able to satisfy basic survival needs and maintain a very limited conversation on familiar topics; sufficient comprehension to read very simple related written material in a form equivalent to usual printing and typescript.
Health: A student selected for Scholarship is required to have a pre-departure medical examination, the result of which must indicate that the awardee is physically and psychologically healthy. This examination must include a test for infectious diseases including the HIV virus . Recommended candidates will be instructed where to send
exam results after award notification.
Cost Sharing: Scholarship recipients are responsible for all housing, tuition fees, health insurance and travel costs.
Application Checklist: The following completed documents are required before the application can be processed:
Completed application form
Proof of highest level of schooling attained and transcript
Proof of application to an eligible Taiwan university or language center
Study plan (statement of intent)
Two (2) letters of recommendation
Photocopy of applicant’s passport
Each participant should submit application form along with supporting documents to the Cultural Division of TECRO ( 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #20,Washington, DC 20016-2137 ) before March 15, 2008. To download the application form , please visit or contact Ms. Hai-ying Shen,(Tel: 202-895-1925, Fax: 202-895-1922 , E-mail: to request that an application be sent.
Chinese Language Center List (華語中心一覽表)
地區 中文機構名稱 成立時間 通訊地址 電話號碼
區 國立台灣師範大學
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
1956年 台北市106和平東路一段162 號
162 Hoping East Road, Sec. 1 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Tel : 886-2-2321-8457
Tel : 886-2-2391-4248
FAX : 886-2-2341-8431
Center of International Education & Exchange (IEE)
2004年 台北市文山區指南路二段64號
64, Section 2, Zhi-nan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei 116, Taiwan, ROC Tel: +886-2-29393091 ext. 62040, 67141
Fax: +886-2-29399850
College of Continuing Education, Chinese Language Program
1991年 台北市106金華街199巷5號
No5,Ln,199,Kinhwa St.,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:886-2-2321-6320 ext.39 or 52
Mandarin Learning Center
1992年 台北市106建國南路二段231號
4F, 231,Sec.2, Chien-Kuo S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-27005858 ext.8131 or 8132
Fax: 886-2-27069121 or 886-2-27075312
International Chinese Language Program (ICLP)
1999年 台北市辛亥路2段170號4樓
P.O. Box 13-204,Taipei,106.Taiwan Tel:886-2-23639123
Chinese Language Division Language Center
2F, Language Building, No.170 , Sec.2, XinHai Rd, Taipei,Taiwan, 106. R.O.C. TEL:886-2-2362-8180 ext.222
語言中心 (華語學習中心)
Fu Jen Catholic University Language Center
1964年 台北縣新莊市中正路510號
N0.510 Chung Cheng Rd.
Hsinchuang,Taipei,Taiwan 24205,ROC Tel:(02)2903-1111
Chinese Language Instruction Center
2001年 260宜蘭市中山路257號
No.257 Sec. 3 Zhungshan Rd.,
Ilan City,Taiwan 260 Tel:(03)931-3343
Language Center
2003年 320中壢市中大路300號
NO.300,Jungda Rd.,Jhongli City,
Yaoyuan,Taiwan 320
Tel:(03)422-7151 ext.3800 or 3803
ncu3802@ ncu. edu. tw
Mandarin Studies and Culture Center
2002年 111台北市中山北路五段250號
B203, 250 Chung Shan N. Rd. Sec.5, Taipei 111 Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2882-4564 ext 2395 or 2747
National Chiao Tung
University Chinese
Language Center 2005年 30010新竹市大學路1001號
1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010 Tel: +886-3-5131231
Chung Hua
University Chinese
Language Center 2004年 新竹市香山區東香里六鄰五福路二段707號
WuFU Rd.,Hsinchu Taiwan 30000
Fax: (03)886-3-5373771
Kainan Chinese
Language Center 2006年 台北市中正區濟南路一段6號
Office of International Programs and Services
Kainan University
No. 1 Kainan Road
Luchu, Taoyuan County
Tel.: +886-3-341-2500, ext 1021
Northern Taiwan Institute Of Science & Technology - Mandarin Language Center
2006年 台北市112北投區學園路2號
No. 2, Xueyuan Rd., Peitou, 112 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:(02)2891-0145 Ext.2710,2720
FAX :(02)2896-5951
區 逢甲大學
Language Center, Chinese Division
1975年 台中市西屯區文華路100號
PO Box 25-202, Xitun 407 Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C. Tel:886-4-2451 7250 Ext. 5871, 5872, 5875 , 5876
Fax:886-4-2451 0243
Chinese Language Center
1971年 台中市407西屯區東海大學898信箱
NO.181 Sec3,Taichungkang Rd.,
Taichung,Taiwan 407
Natinal Chung Hsing University
Chinese Language Center
2006年 台中市南區國光路250號
250,Kuo Kuang Rd.,
Tel: 886-6-2740715
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext. 52040
Fax: 886-6-2740715
Mandarin Studies and Culture Center
1996年 台中縣沙鹿鎮433中棲路200號
200, Chungchi Rd.,
Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 433, Tel:886-4-26328001 ext.12041 , 12042
南部地區 國立成功大學
College of Liberal Arts, Chinese Language Center
1982年 台南市701大學路1號
1 Ta-Hsue Road
Tainan City 701, Taiwan
Tel: 886-6-2740715
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext. 52040
Fax: 886-6-2740715
Southern Taiwan University of
Technology 2006年 台南縣永康市南台街1號
No.1,Nantai St,Yung-Kang City,Tainan Taiwan 710 Roc
Tel: 886-6-2533131ext.6010
Fax: 886-6-3010067
National Sun Yat-sen University
Chinese Language Center
1997年 高雄市804鼓山區蓮海路70號
70 Lian-hai Rd. 80424 Kaohsiung, Taiwan TEL:886-7-5252000 EXT.3030/3031 FAX:886-7-5253039
Center of Chinese Language
2002年 高雄市807三民區民族一路900號
900 Mintsu 1st Road, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel:886+7+3426031 ext 3303, 3302
National Kaohsiung Normal University,
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
2006年 高雄市芩雅區和平一路116號
No.116, Hoping 1 st Rd. , Lingya District, 802, Kaohsiung , Taiwan , R.O.C. Tel:(07)7172930 Ext. 2524
Fax: 07-7166896
Chinese Language Center at National University of Kaohsiung.
2006年 高雄市楠梓區高雄大學路700號
Na-Tzu District,Kaohsiung 811,Taiwan Tel:(07)5919261
Fax:( 07)5919258
National Pingtung University of Education
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
2006年 屏東市林森路1號
No.1 Rd. , Ming-shen Rd.,
Pingtung , Taiwan Tel:(08)7226141 Ext.2639
Fax: 07-7166896
東部地區 慈濟大學
Chinese Language Teaching Center
2003年 970 花蓮市中央路三段701號
No701. Sec3 ,Chung Yang Rd.
Hualien ,Taiwan 970
TEL:(03)856-5301 ext.7689 . . .
2008 Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
To encourage international students and individuals to undertake Mandarin study in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) established the “Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.” Focused primarily on providing opportunities to study Mandarin language and the culture of Taiwan at university and college-affiliated Mandarin training centers, this program aims to:
a. Contribute to a better command of the Mandarin language, and hence a greater understanding and appreciation of Taiwan’s culture.
b. Promote friendship between Taiwan and the United States.
c. Explore opportunities to increase exchanges with international educational institutions.
Information about the scholarship is as follows:
Duration : The following are four options for a recipient to choose from, regarding the award periods:
Once awarded, scholarship recipients will be allowed to choose an award period of
One year
Nine months
Six months
Three months
Award recipients may also select an award period of two months, if his/her intended Mandarin training center offers two-month sessions.
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st. If a recipient fails to arrive in Taiwan to study during this period, his/her award status will be cancelled and cannot be extended for another year. If recipients begin their studies after the study term/quarter starts, their award period will become effective from the month they arrive in Taiwan to matriculate at their individual Mandarin training centers. Whether beginning in September or later, the award period ends in August.
Award Benefits:
A monthly stipend of NT$25,000.00(NT$32.5=U.S. $1, subject to change)
Important Dates:
Application Receipt Deadline: March 15, 2008
Award Notification : late April 2008---At that time, recommended candidates will receive a letter from the Cultural Division at TECRO. After receiving the final notification from TECRO, awardees should apply to a university with an approved Mandarin Language Training Center.(see attached list)
Eligibility Requirement:
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Possesses a record of excellent academic performance and is of good moral character.
b. Does not hold the Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
c. Does not have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
d. Is not a current student at either a Mandarin training center or university/college in Taiwan.
e. Is not an exchange student in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an international university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan, at the time of receiving a HES scholarship.
f. Has not previously received an award under this scholarship program or the Scholarship Program of Taiwan.
g. Is not a current recipient of a scholarship or subsidy being offered by any of the government or educational institutions in Taiwan.
h. Is a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an institution of higher education in Alabama、Delaware、Maryland、Florida、Georgia、Kentucky、North Carolina、South Carolina、Tennessee、Virginia or the District of Columbia.
I. Possesses a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale.
J. Possesses sufficient Chinese language proficiency in speaking and listening to be able to satisfy basic survival needs and maintain a very limited conversation on familiar topics; sufficient comprehension to read very simple related written material in a form equivalent to usual printing and typescript.
Health: A student selected for Scholarship is required to have a pre-departure medical examination, the result of which must indicate that the awardee is physically and psychologically healthy. This examination must include a test for infectious diseases including the HIV virus . Recommended candidates will be instructed where to send
exam results after award notification.
Cost Sharing: Scholarship recipients are responsible for all housing, tuition fees, health insurance and travel costs.
Application Checklist: The following completed documents are required before the application can be processed:
Completed application form
Proof of highest level of schooling attained and transcript
Proof of application to an eligible Taiwan university or language center
Study plan (statement of intent)
Two (2) letters of recommendation
Photocopy of applicant’s passport
Each participant should submit application form along with supporting documents to the Cultural Division of TECRO ( 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #20,Washington, DC 20016-2137 ) before March 15, 2008. To download the application form , please visit or contact Ms. Hai-ying Shen,(Tel: 202-895-1925, Fax: 202-895-1922 , E-mail: to request that an application be sent.
Chinese Language Center List (華語中心一覽表)
地區 中文機構名稱 成立時間 通訊地址 電話號碼
區 國立台灣師範大學
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
1956年 台北市106和平東路一段162 號
162 Hoping East Road, Sec. 1 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Tel : 886-2-2321-8457
Tel : 886-2-2391-4248
FAX : 886-2-2341-8431
Center of International Education & Exchange (IEE)
2004年 台北市文山區指南路二段64號
64, Section 2, Zhi-nan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei 116, Taiwan, ROC Tel: +886-2-29393091 ext. 62040, 67141
Fax: +886-2-29399850
College of Continuing Education, Chinese Language Program
1991年 台北市106金華街199巷5號
No5,Ln,199,Kinhwa St.,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:886-2-2321-6320 ext.39 or 52
Mandarin Learning Center
1992年 台北市106建國南路二段231號
4F, 231,Sec.2, Chien-Kuo S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-27005858 ext.8131 or 8132
Fax: 886-2-27069121 or 886-2-27075312
International Chinese Language Program (ICLP)
1999年 台北市辛亥路2段170號4樓
P.O. Box 13-204,Taipei,106.Taiwan Tel:886-2-23639123
Chinese Language Division Language Center
2F, Language Building, No.170 , Sec.2, XinHai Rd, Taipei,Taiwan, 106. R.O.C. TEL:886-2-2362-8180 ext.222
語言中心 (華語學習中心)
Fu Jen Catholic University Language Center
1964年 台北縣新莊市中正路510號
N0.510 Chung Cheng Rd.
Hsinchuang,Taipei,Taiwan 24205,ROC Tel:(02)2903-1111
Chinese Language Instruction Center
2001年 260宜蘭市中山路257號
No.257 Sec. 3 Zhungshan Rd.,
Ilan City,Taiwan 260 Tel:(03)931-3343
Language Center
2003年 320中壢市中大路300號
NO.300,Jungda Rd.,Jhongli City,
Yaoyuan,Taiwan 320
Tel:(03)422-7151 ext.3800 or 3803
ncu3802@ ncu. edu. tw
Mandarin Studies and Culture Center
2002年 111台北市中山北路五段250號
B203, 250 Chung Shan N. Rd. Sec.5, Taipei 111 Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2882-4564 ext 2395 or 2747
National Chiao Tung
University Chinese
Language Center 2005年 30010新竹市大學路1001號
1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010 Tel: +886-3-5131231
Chung Hua
University Chinese
Language Center 2004年 新竹市香山區東香里六鄰五福路二段707號
WuFU Rd.,Hsinchu Taiwan 30000
Fax: (03)886-3-5373771
Kainan Chinese
Language Center 2006年 台北市中正區濟南路一段6號
Office of International Programs and Services
Kainan University
No. 1 Kainan Road
Luchu, Taoyuan County
Tel.: +886-3-341-2500, ext 1021
Northern Taiwan Institute Of Science & Technology - Mandarin Language Center
2006年 台北市112北投區學園路2號
No. 2, Xueyuan Rd., Peitou, 112 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:(02)2891-0145 Ext.2710,2720
FAX :(02)2896-5951
區 逢甲大學
Language Center, Chinese Division
1975年 台中市西屯區文華路100號
PO Box 25-202, Xitun 407 Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C. Tel:886-4-2451 7250 Ext. 5871, 5872, 5875 , 5876
Fax:886-4-2451 0243
Chinese Language Center
1971年 台中市407西屯區東海大學898信箱
NO.181 Sec3,Taichungkang Rd.,
Taichung,Taiwan 407
Natinal Chung Hsing University
Chinese Language Center
2006年 台中市南區國光路250號
250,Kuo Kuang Rd.,
Tel: 886-6-2740715
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext. 52040
Fax: 886-6-2740715
Mandarin Studies and Culture Center
1996年 台中縣沙鹿鎮433中棲路200號
200, Chungchi Rd.,
Shalu, Taichung County, Taiwan 433, Tel:886-4-26328001 ext.12041 , 12042
南部地區 國立成功大學
College of Liberal Arts, Chinese Language Center
1982年 台南市701大學路1號
1 Ta-Hsue Road
Tainan City 701, Taiwan
Tel: 886-6-2740715
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext. 52040
Fax: 886-6-2740715
Southern Taiwan University of
Technology 2006年 台南縣永康市南台街1號
No.1,Nantai St,Yung-Kang City,Tainan Taiwan 710 Roc
Tel: 886-6-2533131ext.6010
Fax: 886-6-3010067
National Sun Yat-sen University
Chinese Language Center
1997年 高雄市804鼓山區蓮海路70號
70 Lian-hai Rd. 80424 Kaohsiung, Taiwan TEL:886-7-5252000 EXT.3030/3031 FAX:886-7-5253039
Center of Chinese Language
2002年 高雄市807三民區民族一路900號
900 Mintsu 1st Road, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel:886+7+3426031 ext 3303, 3302
National Kaohsiung Normal University,
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
2006年 高雄市芩雅區和平一路116號
No.116, Hoping 1 st Rd. , Lingya District, 802, Kaohsiung , Taiwan , R.O.C. Tel:(07)7172930 Ext. 2524
Fax: 07-7166896
Chinese Language Center at National University of Kaohsiung.
2006年 高雄市楠梓區高雄大學路700號
Na-Tzu District,Kaohsiung 811,Taiwan Tel:(07)5919261
Fax:( 07)5919258
National Pingtung University of Education
Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies
2006年 屏東市林森路1號
No.1 Rd. , Ming-shen Rd.,
Pingtung , Taiwan Tel:(08)7226141 Ext.2639
Fax: 07-7166896
東部地區 慈濟大學
Chinese Language Teaching Center
2003年 970 花蓮市中央路三段701號
No701. Sec3 ,Chung Yang Rd.
Hualien ,Taiwan 970
TEL:(03)856-5301 ext.7689 . . .
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Chinese online resources
1. 把你以前的课本里,学过跟没学过的课文看看,尤其是学过的,复习是很重要的一部分。
2. 去"黑板(hei1ban3; Blackboard)"下载(xia4zai3; download)这个学期学过的课文跟生词的听力练习,这对你听中文的能力是很好的帮助。
3. 通过下面的网页(wang3ye4; webpage)可以提高中文能力跟你对中文的兴趣。
Learning Chinese Online Page
Everything you wanted to know about learning the Chinese language.
For your purpose, we recommend the following websites:
Real Chinese (By BBC) 11 units Date: None
China Through A Lens (By China Internet Information Center 中国网) 27 conversational lessons with sound files Date: None
Chinese Language and Culture Forums: Pinyin Chat Box (By Haynes, Jamie Butler) Type the pinyin word followed by the tone number. For an umlaut, type "uu". For an umlaut with tone mark, type "uu" immediately followed by the tone number. Example, type 'Zhe4 ge Pin1yin1 liao2tian1 shi4 hen3 you3 te4se4.' the sentence 'Zhè ge Pīnyīn liáotiān shì hěn yǒu tèsè.' will be displayed in chat window. Date: None
Chinese Multimedia (By University of Oxford, Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) Multimedia learning materials including 22 lessons, vocabulary and exercises. Video clips accompany the texts. Vocabulary, character lists are available. Good supplementary materials for elementary-intermediate learners, particularly for the users of the textbook Practical Chinese Reader. Date: None
Conversational Mandarin Chinese Online (By Xie, Tianwei) Online materials for learning Chinese conversation. It includes 15 units with patterns and practice drills. Date: Updated 2004
Chinese Voices Project Online reading and listening materials for low-intermediate learners.
Chinese Language Page There are various resources and links on this page, such as games, newspaper cites, introduction to culture, geography, Chinese cuisine, and etc.
Find Chinese Penpals (By This is a web site to find penpals for learning and exchanging languages. Users may find penpals all over the world. Users can do text chatting. It used to have voice chat rooms. It stopped it's service now, but recommended Skype and Paltalk as two voice chat programs. If penpals have nothing to talk about, they can find some lesson plans to study together. Very good online activities to help learning. Singing up is required to join the community. Date: 2000-2004
Learning Chinese (By China Internet Information Center) Seventeen lessons with recordings for vocabulary and text. Supplementary learning material for intermediate or advanced learners. Date: 2001
Loecsen Orizon (By Loecsen Orizon) A web site providing conversational Chinese (and other languages) for travelers. Sentences are accompanied by sketch pictures to illustrate the situation where conversation happens. Date: None contains the complete text of Amazon's (sometimes) best-selling and (frequently) best-reviewed : Chinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary using my character tree system. Distributed by Yale Univ. Press. Copyright 1996-2006 by Rick Harbaugh. 字典网(zi4dian3wang3) Most of the major Chinese character dictionaries on the web are interlinked at a character-to-character level, allowing visitors to quickly jump across dictionaries to check the same character entry without having to search again for the character. Online Chinese tools. It contains more links to learn Chinese. Date: 1996-2005. Marjorie Chan ‘s ChinaLinks at The Ohio State University. It provides with different links and search engines. Date: 14, July 2005 The Pristine Lexicon is a free, online Chinese-English, English-Chinese lexicon and dictionary for language learning, technical research and general use. Date: 1990-2007
Listening materials
Chinese Video Exercises (By Hu, Mingliang) Audio and video clips followed by online exercises. Good listening materials for intermediate and advanced students. Date: None
Integrated Chinese Audio (By University of Rhode Island Virtual Language Lab) Chapter 1-11 audio files (mp3) Date: None
Learn Chinese with Free Podcasts (By This is a wonderful podcasting program developed by Ken Carroll, Jenny Zhu and Aric S. Queen in Shanghai, China. It provides programs of learning Chinese at beginning and intermediate levels. Date: 2005-2006
Learning through listening 听故事学成语 (By Wellesley College) Created by Prof. Ma Jing-Heng and her associates. Contains 15 Chinese fables with sound files and online exercises. Good for intermediate and advanced students. Date: 1999
Ting 听- Chinese English Center (By Shea, Marilyn) A large collection of Chinese words and sentences in audio files. Good for listening. Date: 1999-2004
Animated Chinese Characters (By Xie, Tianwei) The animation of stroke order for Chinese characters. Date: Late updated 2005
Chinese Radical Names (By Xie, Tianwei) Several lists of the names of Chinese radicals. Date: 2003
Chinese Radicals (By Douwe Osinga) A simple and free program, but it is very easy and useful to use. It tests your knowledge of Chinese radicals (214). Date: 2001-2005
Chinese Writing Master 3.0 (By Changjei Computer Co.) This program contains 6000 animated characters. Users can copy and paste any characters to the program and it will display animated stroke order. It also exports the stroke order pictures and saves the animation in gif files. Date: 2005
eStroke (By EON Media Limited (Hong Kong)) This program animates every Chinese character present in songti or kaiti font showing how a character is written stroke by stroke as well as stroke direction. Users just copy and paste or drag and drop the characters they see on the web or in other applications such as Word. The program will show stroke order in animation. This is a textbook-independent character learning program. Date: 2005
Learning Chinese (By Min-Multimedia) Introduction to writing Chinese characters. Blank writing grid is provided. Date: 2001-2004
Liwin's CyberChinese Calligraphy (By Winters, Jeff) Stroke Order Animations and Pronunciation for Characters in Practical Chinese Reader I. Date: None
Online Chinese Talking Flashcards (By Lau, J.) An online flashcard program to learn characters. Covers the characters in the textbook Integrated Chinese, 1000 high frequency characters and HSK work list. Date: 2004-2005
Practice for order of Chinese characters 汉字笔顺练习 (By Characters of the textbook 标准中文 (by Peoples Education Press) and 中文 (by Jinan University Press) are animated. Sound of each character can be heard. Date: 2000
The Chinese character and word learning system 中文字词学习系统 (By The University of Hong Kong Dragonwise Project 2 现龙计划) A database of more than 500 characters. Character structure and stroke order is illustrated by animation. Students can also use the online interactive exercise to enhance learning. The characters are pronounced in Cantonese, but the animation and drills can be used by Mandarin learners. Date: 2001
l Words and Pictures 看图识字 (By Min-Multimedia) Characters and pictures are presented and accompanied by a voice of a teacher and a child reading the words. Good for kids to learn. Date: 2001-2004
l CHINAKNOWLEDGE - a universal guide for China studies. It provides students with introductions to Chinese languages and literatures, art, religions, history, and music. Date: 2000
l Web links for Integrated Chinese
l Conversational Chinese
l Other ResourcesPoem reading: There are 24 Tang Poems with audio files, characters and pinyin. Click and enjoy.
l Conversations: China Development Gateway with 17 lessons on everyday situations:
l A comprehensive Website about China
祝你们 假期快乐 学业进步
乔治华盛顿大学 东亚语文系中文部
1. 把你以前的课本里,学过跟没学过的课文看看,尤其是学过的,复习是很重要的一部分。
2. 去"黑板(hei1ban3; Blackboard)"下载(xia4zai3; download)这个学期学过的课文跟生词的听力练习,这对你听中文的能力是很好的帮助。
3. 通过下面的网页(wang3ye4; webpage)可以提高中文能力跟你对中文的兴趣。
Learning Chinese Online Page
Everything you wanted to know about learning the Chinese language.
For your purpose, we recommend the following websites:
Real Chinese (By BBC) 11 units Date: None
China Through A Lens (By China Internet Information Center 中国网) 27 conversational lessons with sound files Date: None
Chinese Language and Culture Forums: Pinyin Chat Box (By Haynes, Jamie Butler) Type the pinyin word followed by the tone number. For an umlaut, type "uu". For an umlaut with tone mark, type "uu" immediately followed by the tone number. Example, type 'Zhe4 ge Pin1yin1 liao2tian1 shi4 hen3 you3 te4se4.' the sentence 'Zhè ge Pīnyīn liáotiān shì hěn yǒu tèsè.' will be displayed in chat window. Date: None
Chinese Multimedia (By University of Oxford, Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) Multimedia learning materials including 22 lessons, vocabulary and exercises. Video clips accompany the texts. Vocabulary, character lists are available. Good supplementary materials for elementary-intermediate learners, particularly for the users of the textbook Practical Chinese Reader. Date: None
Conversational Mandarin Chinese Online (By Xie, Tianwei) Online materials for learning Chinese conversation. It includes 15 units with patterns and practice drills. Date: Updated 2004
Chinese Voices Project Online reading and listening materials for low-intermediate learners.
Chinese Language Page There are various resources and links on this page, such as games, newspaper cites, introduction to culture, geography, Chinese cuisine, and etc.
Find Chinese Penpals (By This is a web site to find penpals for learning and exchanging languages. Users may find penpals all over the world. Users can do text chatting. It used to have voice chat rooms. It stopped it's service now, but recommended Skype and Paltalk as two voice chat programs. If penpals have nothing to talk about, they can find some lesson plans to study together. Very good online activities to help learning. Singing up is required to join the community. Date: 2000-2004
Learning Chinese (By China Internet Information Center) Seventeen lessons with recordings for vocabulary and text. Supplementary learning material for intermediate or advanced learners. Date: 2001
Loecsen Orizon (By Loecsen Orizon) A web site providing conversational Chinese (and other languages) for travelers. Sentences are accompanied by sketch pictures to illustrate the situation where conversation happens. Date: None contains the complete text of Amazon's (sometimes) best-selling and (frequently) best-reviewed : Chinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary using my character tree system. Distributed by Yale Univ. Press. Copyright 1996-2006 by Rick Harbaugh. 字典网(zi4dian3wang3) Most of the major Chinese character dictionaries on the web are interlinked at a character-to-character level, allowing visitors to quickly jump across dictionaries to check the same character entry without having to search again for the character. Online Chinese tools. It contains more links to learn Chinese. Date: 1996-2005. Marjorie Chan ‘s ChinaLinks at The Ohio State University. It provides with different links and search engines. Date: 14, July 2005 The Pristine Lexicon is a free, online Chinese-English, English-Chinese lexicon and dictionary for language learning, technical research and general use. Date: 1990-2007
Listening materials
Chinese Video Exercises (By Hu, Mingliang) Audio and video clips followed by online exercises. Good listening materials for intermediate and advanced students. Date: None
Integrated Chinese Audio (By University of Rhode Island Virtual Language Lab) Chapter 1-11 audio files (mp3) Date: None
Learn Chinese with Free Podcasts (By This is a wonderful podcasting program developed by Ken Carroll, Jenny Zhu and Aric S. Queen in Shanghai, China. It provides programs of learning Chinese at beginning and intermediate levels. Date: 2005-2006
Learning through listening 听故事学成语 (By Wellesley College) Created by Prof. Ma Jing-Heng and her associates. Contains 15 Chinese fables with sound files and online exercises. Good for intermediate and advanced students. Date: 1999
Ting 听- Chinese English Center (By Shea, Marilyn) A large collection of Chinese words and sentences in audio files. Good for listening. Date: 1999-2004
Animated Chinese Characters (By Xie, Tianwei) The animation of stroke order for Chinese characters. Date: Late updated 2005
Chinese Radical Names (By Xie, Tianwei) Several lists of the names of Chinese radicals. Date: 2003
Chinese Radicals (By Douwe Osinga) A simple and free program, but it is very easy and useful to use. It tests your knowledge of Chinese radicals (214). Date: 2001-2005
Chinese Writing Master 3.0 (By Changjei Computer Co.) This program contains 6000 animated characters. Users can copy and paste any characters to the program and it will display animated stroke order. It also exports the stroke order pictures and saves the animation in gif files. Date: 2005
eStroke (By EON Media Limited (Hong Kong)) This program animates every Chinese character present in songti or kaiti font showing how a character is written stroke by stroke as well as stroke direction. Users just copy and paste or drag and drop the characters they see on the web or in other applications such as Word. The program will show stroke order in animation. This is a textbook-independent character learning program. Date: 2005
Learning Chinese (By Min-Multimedia) Introduction to writing Chinese characters. Blank writing grid is provided. Date: 2001-2004
Liwin's CyberChinese Calligraphy (By Winters, Jeff) Stroke Order Animations and Pronunciation for Characters in Practical Chinese Reader I. Date: None
Online Chinese Talking Flashcards (By Lau, J.) An online flashcard program to learn characters. Covers the characters in the textbook Integrated Chinese, 1000 high frequency characters and HSK work list. Date: 2004-2005
Practice for order of Chinese characters 汉字笔顺练习 (By Characters of the textbook 标准中文 (by Peoples Education Press) and 中文 (by Jinan University Press) are animated. Sound of each character can be heard. Date: 2000
The Chinese character and word learning system 中文字词学习系统 (By The University of Hong Kong Dragonwise Project 2 现龙计划) A database of more than 500 characters. Character structure and stroke order is illustrated by animation. Students can also use the online interactive exercise to enhance learning. The characters are pronounced in Cantonese, but the animation and drills can be used by Mandarin learners. Date: 2001
l Words and Pictures 看图识字 (By Min-Multimedia) Characters and pictures are presented and accompanied by a voice of a teacher and a child reading the words. Good for kids to learn. Date: 2001-2004
l CHINAKNOWLEDGE - a universal guide for China studies. It provides students with introductions to Chinese languages and literatures, art, religions, history, and music. Date: 2000
l Web links for Integrated Chinese
l Conversational Chinese
l Other ResourcesPoem reading: There are 24 Tang Poems with audio files, characters and pinyin. Click and enjoy.
l Conversations: China Development Gateway with 17 lessons on everyday situations:
l A comprehensive Website about China
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